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small seeds

"All that will ultimately grow out of the seed is already secretly enfolded within it as the force of the whole plant.


The real seed therefore contains something invisible.


Hold firmly the thought: The invisible will become visible."


Rudolf Steiner


Below are some small seeds one can read and ponder. 

craig logan | HeartMath Coach

A Conscious Thought?

Have you ever thought about thinking? Neuroscience calls this metacognition, or higher order cognitive processing, but is this really thinking about thinking?


Where does a thought come from? Modern neuroscience continues to develop a deeper understanding of the brain, looking at the anatomy, synapses, neurons and neurotransmitters, whilst they also look more deeply at the brain as the source of our thinking, but maybe they are looking in a wrong place.


The Latin word  ‘cogito’ it means to ponder, to go over in one’s head, but to go over in one’s head doesn’t necessarily mean that is where the thought originated from. Modern science is still looking for consciousness or the origin of a thought in the human brain, but still with no success finding it.


Until one starts to consider that possibility that consciousness doesn’t ‘live’ in the brain, one will not get a true picture of the whole human being.

Allergic to Life

Why is it that it seems like so many people are allergic to modern life? One looks around and we are surrounded by physical illness, emotional illness and spiritual illness.


It is not uncommon to find many situation whereby one may find themselves to be overweight, managing chronic pain, taking multiple  medications, in a challenging relationship, not sleeping, quick to anger, low energy levels, high stress and doing a job they don’t enjoy. This was my experience until I asked: Is this how I am supposed to experience life? Is this normal?


What if there was another way, another path, that by embracing your full humanity: body, soul and spirit one could begin to change these outcomes. Would you consider walking this path and making the necessary changes in order to live a life with meaning and purpose? 


To do this takes courage. The courage to let go of your past as you make these changes and you continue to evolve into what you are becoming. 

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I am a father, a husband and a student of spiritual science.

My own journey has been one of continual personal growth including many challenges, which all helped me understand that in order to make healthy changes, I first needed to take personal responsibility for where I was and accept the truth. This meant accepting my life as it was, not how I wanted it to be.

Combining over 20 years working in large institutions and as an educator I now continue to work with individuals and businesses to provide practical guidance to shift to healthier ways of thinking and feeling, bringing into harmony what the brain thinks, with what the heart knows.  

Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Health Science
Certified Heart
Math® Coach

HeartMath® Stress, Anxiety and Self-Regulation Certified Practitioner 

HeartMath® Building Personal Resilience Mentor

HeartMath® Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner

Stress and Well Being Assessment Provider
Psych K Facilitator 
Additional Study
Neuroscience Academy: Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health
Wim Hof Fundamentals 
Wim Hof Power of the Mind 

connect with me here or send me an email 


© 2024 by craig logan

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