Insights Program
A program providing guidance and practical steps that one can take in shifting default neural-emotional patterns.
These patterns not only impact our thoughts and emotions, they also determine our words and actions.
In creating new neural-emotional architecture we are able to shift to healthier ways of thinking and feeling that allow us to feel balanced, energised, composed and in control.
This program includes two stress and well being assessments and three individual coaching sessions.
Please connect for more information about pricing and availability
Individual Guidance
Individual guidance is available on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly rhythm for those wishing to continue to work on bringing more harmony to thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
This would normally be undertaken with those who had already completed one of the courses or attended a Towards Coherence Workshop.
If you have not done this but would still like to enquire about individual guidance please connect for additional information and availability.
A program providing guidance and practical steps that one can take in bringing more harmony to thoughts, emotions, words and actions.
Each module includes a short paper, and a one hour guidance call with additional practices.
This program will introduce and deepen the following concepts:
- understanding incoherence
- exploring our inner world
- the bridge of awareness
- reviving our outer world
- building towards coherence
This program of guidance builds the capacity and capability for both individuals and teams to better self regulate thoughts, emotions, words and behaviours, in a way that shifts us from automatically reacting, to consciously responding.
click here to find out more
The Stress and Well-Being Assessment was originally developed at the HeartMath Institute Research Center for use as the stress and well-being component of a health risk assessment for a large hospital system.
It provides some valuable insights into 8 key stress scales (including work, relationship, financial and physical stress) and 4 key areas of well-being (including resilience and adaptability) to provide a valuable 'point in time' insight to current levels of stress and well being.
Please connect for additional information and availability.
A program of guidance for business owners, executives, leaders, teams and individuals
The program provides a deeper understanding of the conflict that exists between our inner and outer worlds. The inner world is our thinking, feeling and willing and the outer world is our words and our actions.
Seven modules, alongside seven one hour guidance calls providing tools and techniques to bring greater harmony to our thoughts, emotions and behaviours leading to:​
- thinking with more clarity
- feeling more deeply
- speaking more carefully
- acting more deliberately
Once one can bring alignment to thoughts, feelings, words and actions, we can begin to reduce and dissolve the constant conflict between our inner and outer worlds and become a healthier, more compassionate and authentic leader.
click here for more information
Please connect for more information about pricing and availability
Heart Rate Variability
Looking at Heart Rate Variability (HRV) we are able to get some insights into the signals between the heart and brain. Observing heart rhythm patterns allow us to see what we experience on the inside, which helps us to appreciate more fully, that our feelings and emotions are directly connected to our mental and physical wellbeing.
You will receive a report with your age adjusted 1-Minute HRV Deep Breathing Assessment, providing insights into your vagally mediated HRV, alongside tools to build the capacity to better self-regulate thoughts and emotions.
If you would like to enquire about an individual HRV assessment please connect for additional information and availability.