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the threefold path

reduce stress  -  improve health  -  increase wellbeing

The threefold path is a journey one walks to bring alignment to our thoughts, emotions and behaviours..

It involves the entire nature of what it means to be human: the body, soul and spirit; alongside a deeper understanding of the threefold nature of our inner qualities: our thinking, feeling and willing.


It is a journey towards heart thinking. By bringing alignment to what we think, feel, say and do; we create balance, harmony and coherence between what our brain thinks and our heart knows.  


Image by Patrick Fore
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I am a father, a husband and a student of spiritual science.

My own journey has been one of continual personal growth including many challenges, which all helped me understand that in order to make healthy changes, I first needed to take personal responsibility for where I was and accept the truth. This meant accepting my life as it was, not how I wanted it to be.

Combining over 20 years working in large institutions and as an educator I now continue to work with individuals and businesses to provide practical guidance to shift to healthier ways of thinking and feeling, bringing into harmony what the brain thinks, with what the heart knows.  

Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Health Science
Certified Heart
Math® Coach

HeartMath® Stress, Anxiety and Self-Regulation Certified Practitioner 

HeartMath® Building Personal Resilience Mentor

HeartMath® Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner

Stress and Well Being Assessment Provider
Psych K Facilitator 
Additional Study
Neuroscience Academy: Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health
Wim Hof Fundamentals 
Wim Hof Power of the Mind 

connect with me here or send me an email 


© 2024 by craig logan

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